occupational heat stress

The social implications of occupational heat stress on migrant workers engaged in public construction: a case study from southern India

Venugopal V, Chinnadurai A, Lucas R, Vishwanathan V, Rajiva A, Kjellstrom T

Health deterioration due to multiple exposures to hazards is not uncommon among construction workers. Migrant workers contribute a lion’s share (~79%) to public construction in India and about two-thirds of the migrant workforce lives in temporary habitats with minimal basic amenities. The implications of occupational heat stress on the health and social lives of the migrant workers engaged in construction of public metro railway was explored. One hundred and forty-two migrant workers were engaged in the study after obtaining informed consent.

The association between overall health, psychological stress and occupational heat stress among a large national cohort of 40,913 Thai workers.

Tawatsupa B, Lim L, Kjellstrom T, Seubsman S, Sleigh A, Thai Cohort Study Team

Occupational heat stress is a well-known problem, particularly in tropical countries, affecting workers, health and well-being. There are very few recent studies that have reported on the effect of heat stress on mental health, or overall health in workers, although socioeconomic development and rapid urbanization in tropical developing countries like Thailand create working conditions in which heat stress is likely. This study is aimed at identifying the relationship between self-reported heat stress and psychological distress, and overall health status in Thai workers.

Association Between Occupational Heat Stress and Kidney Disease Among 37 816 Workers in the Thai Cohort Study

Tawatsupa B, Lim LL-Y, Kjellstrom T, Seubsman S, Sleigh A & the Thai Cohort Study team

Background: We examined the relationship between self-reported occupational heat stress and incidence of self-reported doctor-diagnosed kidney disease in Thai workers.